Occupy Dallas remains in Pioneer Plaza despite real fear of nighttime raid.
With over 100 people and over 25 tents set up in Pioneer Plaza the group fights to recover from the heavy rainstorm that moved in Tuesday night. With continuing rain forecast for Wednesday afternoon the focus of everyone involved is to rebuild infrastructure and to continue improving their presence in the park.
It was a night of uncertainty and struggle for the members of OccupyDallas. As security team members reported across walkie-talkies that unmarked vehicles were patrolling the area, members were reminded of the events which occurred in Boston just the day before where Police surrounded the occupiers and then raided the camp, arresting over 140 people. Eventually, one of the unmarked vehicles was identified as belonging to an independent journalist which quickly resolved much of the fear. However, it was a short reprieve as the heavy rain and strong winds moved in. The storm, coupled with the cooler temperatures, provided yet another challenge for OccupyDallas members to overcome.
Wednesday marks the seventh day of occupation for the protesters in the park and they remain positive and continually unified behind their cause. Former Mayor, and current City Councilman for district four, Dwaine Caraway is expected to visit the park today in a show of solidarity with the protesters.
For more information, contact Michael Prestonise at 214-293-0548 or
news@occupydallas.org. More information, including additional multimedia content, can also be found at
The OccupyDallas movement began Thursday, Oct 6 with a march from Pike Park to the Federal Reserve building. Over 1,000 people gathered to protest corporate greed and money influencing the government. The movement currently has more than 150 members occupying Pioneer Plaza in downtown, with hundreds more joining in daily for marches to various corporations and banks throughout the city. The movement stands in solidarity with similar Occupy movements happening across the nation and the world, including the original Occupy Wall Street protest that featured tens of thousands of marchers and continues to grow.
Michael Prestonise
(214) 293-0548