Well, we were going to go to Earle Cabell at 10 this morning for The Big Showdown: City of Dallas versus Occupy Dallas for the right to pitch a tent in Pioneer Park, in the shadow of the convention center. Because, as you recall, Occupy Dallas made its case Wednesday night in court documents: The city's insistence upon an insurance million-dollar insurance policy infringed upon its "right to peaceably demonstrate in public forums" in the city limits.
To which the city responded late yesterday with this: "If Plaintiffs want to protest around-the-clock, they can," according to a brief filed by Dallas City Attorney Tom Perkins that's on the other side. "The City only seeks to enforce Section 31-37 of the Dallas City Code, which prohibits persons from camping and otherwise occupying the convention center grounds (including Pioneer Plaza) between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., and Section 31-13 of the Dallas City Code, which prohibits persons from sleeping in public."
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City Response to Occupy Dallas
Friday, October 14, 2011
City Cuts Deal With Occupy Dallas After Filing Brief Explaining Why They Can't Sleep in Public
Dallas Observer