That is, their demand is 5 Latino seats, 4 black seats, and 5 white seats on the City Council.
The group plans to show up en mass at tomorrow's council meeting, according to an email blast just forwarded to me:
Ya Basta! The city council has passed a map that puts our communities back for another decade. Tomorrow we will OCCUPY CITY HALL AND DEMAND a city map that reflects the growing Latino population JOIN US!!! For months community leaders and neighbors have fought to create 5 Latino majority seats, last week the City of Dallas took a illegal and unexpected vote on a map that gives us only a possible 2 Latino seats,we currently have three. This is an injustice, a violation of the Voting Acts Rights and an act of discrimination to the Latino Community. It is up to us to demand fair representation and the allocation of appropriate seats 5 latino, 4 African American, 5 white. The Action that we take today will determine the future of Dallas for the next ten years!Check out the rest of the email here.