#OccupyDallas, the United Steelworkers Local 9479, North Texas Jobs With Justice, Texas Alliance of Retired Americans, and all like minded labor unions and progressive organizations call for a MASS MARCH and DEMONSTRATION on November 19, 2011.
Working class individuals of Dallas-Fort Worth, and associated labor organizations will march in solidarity with ALL workers internationally, to highlight the ills of an economic and political system that continues to exploit and oppress the peoples for the profit of a select few individuals. The time to fight US Austerity is NOW!!!
In the United States, as in states all across the planet, we suffer under austerity measures that put forth a seemingly never ending attack on workers, their families, and the institutions that benefit all individuals in a positive manner. This attack comes at the hands of corrupt governments, a globally oppressive economic regime, and environmentally destructive policies, that will leave society in shambles if we fail to stand and unite together in the fight for social justice and economic equality.
Join the Workers and the People in a sign of strength and unity as we march for power; People Power.
Meet at Pioneer Plaza in Dallas, TX on November 19, 2011 @ 1pm. Be prepared to take to the streets, to let your voices be heard, and to demand that the government give in to the demands of those who will no longer allow it to rule in the interests of corporations and the elite.
We will have a march through downtown, stopping at Main St. Garden Park for speakers and Chants.
Bring water, signs, banners, bullhorns, and a strong will, and your friends and family!!
Email peoples.assembly.dallas@gmail.com or occupydallasoutreach@gmail.com for more information.