According to OD Face Book :
OCCUPY CONGRESS TRIP: Occupy Dallas 1 will be at Pegasus Plaza by 10:00 AM. Launch will be initiated after all parties have had a chance to join up or call in. If you are interested in joining the trip you are welcome to call Kyle Helton at 214-951-6475, David Barahona 972-781-8781, or Veronica Navarro 214-815-8139 no later than 9 Am Saturday. Occupy Dallas 1 is full and the seating on other caravan vehicles is undetermined at the time of this printing. Seating will be determined by a 100 yard dash down Main St. and then a javelin throw. Don't let the track and field discourage anyone from trying to come along. I just can't guestimate our current status very well.
Or my personal favorite poster