

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Once upon a time: How #OccupyWallStreet came to be ...

I admit it,  I'm fascinated at what's called " the creation myth" of the #Occupy movement. The "myth" of course,  is not a myth and there were hundreds of people and great organizations who worked months/years to put the wheels in motion and help it succeed.

Occupy Timeline HERE

The origins of Occupy Wall Street explained READ  [Salon]

Intellectual Roots of Occupy READ [Journal of Higher Education ]

‘You’re creating a vision of the sort of society you want to have in miniature.’ READ [Washington Post]
*David Graeber on MSNBC video here 

A Report from the Frontlines: The Long Road to #OccupyWallStreet and the Origins of the 99% Movement READ

** Other articles ?