

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

'Ya Basta!' - Latinos plan to 'occupy City Hall' tomorrow to protest redistricting map

5-4-5. That's the new catch-phrase from Dallas' Latino Redistricting Task Force, the group of Hispanic leaders and advocates vowing to fight the redistricting map passed by the City Council two weeks ago.
That is, their demand is 5 Latino seats, 4 black seats, and 5 white seats on the City Council.
The group plans to show up en mass at tomorrow's council meeting, according to an email blast just forwarded to me:
Ya Basta! The city council has passed a map that puts our communities back for another decade. Tomorrow we will OCCUPY CITY HALL AND DEMAND a city map that reflects the growing Latino population JOIN US!!! For months community leaders and neighbors have fought to create 5 Latino majority seats, last week the City of Dallas took a illegal and unexpected vote on a map that gives us only a possible 2 Latino seats,we currently have three. This is an injustice, a violation of the Voting Acts Rights and an act of discrimination to the Latino Community. It is up to us to demand fair representation and the allocation of appropriate seats 5 latino, 4 African American, 5 white. The Action that we take today will determine the future of Dallas for the next ten years!
Check out the rest of the email here.